Who Should Read This Book:

  • Web development and design professionals who want to start building apps for mobile devices.
  • Anyone who wants to get up to speed quickly with jQuery Mobile.

What You Get:

  • The 567-page eBook in PDF format. Read it on your desktop, tablet or phone with ease.
  • A zip file containing the code examples, so you can follow along with the book.
  • Free lifetime updates for the eBook.
  • Download TOC and Sample Chapter

About the Author

Photo of Matt

Matt Doyle is an experienced technical author and coder who has written two well-received books on Photoshop and PHP.

He has also written articles for Elated.com and SitePoint on a variety of topics, including PHP, CSS, JavaScript and, of course, jQuery Mobile.

What Is jQuery Mobile?

jQuery Mobile is a JavaScript framework that makes it quick and easy to build mobile web apps for iOS, Android and other devices.

By using HTML markup combined with special attributes, you can create an entire mobile web app interface with little or no JavaScript coding.

What's in the Book?

Here are some of the topics you'll learn when you read this book:

  1. What jQuery Mobile can do for you

    How can jQuery Mobile help you build better mobile websites and web apps? You'll learn about the concepts behind mobile web apps, discover how jQuery Mobile can speed up your app development, and find out how to install jQuery Mobile and get up and running quickly.

  2. Build a simple mobile website in minutes

    Early in the book you dive straight into the action, and use jQuery Mobile to build a simple yet fully-functioning mobile website in a snap.

  3. All the jQuery Mobile page elements explained

    Discover how to build mobile-friendly pages, buttons, toolbars, dialogs, popups, panels, tabs, responsive tables, forms, interactive listviews, and more.

  4. Theming jQuery Mobile

    Explore jQuery Mobile's rich theming system that lets you give your mobile apps a totally unique look and feel. Learn how to use the ThemeRoller tool to design themes quickly and simply.

  5. The jQuery Mobile API revealed

    Find out how to use events, methods, and configuration options to get under the hood of jQuery Mobile and integrate your own JavaScript code with the framework.

  6. Build a complete PHP-driven mobile web app using jQuery Mobile

    You bring all this knowledge together and learn how to create a fully-functioning, multi-user task manager app from the ground up using jQuery Mobile, PHP and MySQL.

  7. Use jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap to Build Native Apps

    Finally, you also discover how to build a native iOS app using jQuery Mobile, PhoneGap and the Google Maps API. You can use these techniques to build native apps for iOS, Android and other platforms that you can then sell through stores like Apple's App Store and Google's Android Market.

The Fourth Edition of the book is fully updated for jQuery Mobile 1.4, PhoneGap 3 and Xcode 5. It covers all the latest features and widgets in 1.4, including the easier theming system; the new panel, tabs and flipswitch widgets; the new filterable widget for filtering any type of content, and lots more!

Find out more: Download the table of contents and a sample chapter.

What People Are Saying about the Book...

Third Edition

“Matt Doyle has more than kept his promise to update this book as jQuery Mobile evolves (and provide new editions free to previous purchasers). I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to start building web and native-like apps with jQM.”
Nora Brown, Web Designers' Review of Books.
“I am a very big fan of this book... one of my favourite jQuery books.”
Doron Katz.

First Edition

“A very detailed, well-written eBook.”
Todd Parker, jQuery Mobile Project Lead.
“Matt has written an amazing book that can quickly bring any developer up to speed with jQuery Mobile.”
— Darren Clark, Technical Director, Webling Interactive.
“An excellent book for developers who want to dive into mobile app development with jQuery Mobile.”
Ei Sabai Nyo.
“An excellent introduction to jQuery Mobile... the author’s descriptions are clear and well-organized.”
Nora Brown, Web Designers' Review of Books.
“This book is a great technical resource... I highly recommend it if you’re looking for an in-depth look at the ins and outs of jQuery Mobile.”
Jonathan Christopher, Monday By Noon.
“Matt Doyle has a way of walking you through basic and more advanced programming that makes you feel in safe hands and thoroughly guided.”
Bettina Lehmann.
“This is an incredible learning tool both for jQuery Mobile and coding in general.”
— Tim Sellmer.
“Very professionally done... congrats on a nice piece of work.”
— Ken Rothmuller.